Balance the Body with Biochemical Cell Salts

Fascinating! Between 1872 and 1898 it was again discovered that inorganic matter essential to health comprised 12 mineral tissue salts: Calc Fluor, Calc Phos, Calc Sulph, Ferr Phos, Kali Mur, Kali Phos, Kali Sulph, Mag Phos, Nat Mur, Nat Phos, Nat Sulph and Silica. A deficiency in any of these led to weakened cell structure and ill health. When a deficiency is corrected, the cells again functioned normally and health was restored. Since then many works have been created about Cell Salts along with their primary use in hospitals in Germany. 

Locate your zodiac sign on the chart below. Trace your zodiac sign to the corresponding cell salt. You have now found the cell salt you are deficient in.  Check this link to learn more about Biochemical Cell Salts and the health and balance they can bring to the body. Cell Salt Kits. There are multiple uses for the other cell salts too. If you experience certain symptoms linked with the various salts you are probably deficient in that salt as well.  

Under tremendous emotional stress, people use more of the cell salt associated with their moon sign and south node of the Moon. When the body becomes depleted in this salt, people experience symptoms such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression and fearfulness about even simple daily circumstances. Use of the cell salt related to the Moon sign will restore their sense of safety and emotional resilience. In the first seven years of life, when the Moon is the most influential planet, lunar cell salts are the most appropriate choice as a tonic. For specific health problems, take both the salt of the Moon and the salt that pertains to the specific condition.

The Twelve Salts and Some of Their Keynote Symptoms
(The most commonly used abbreviation is followed by its traditional and chemical names.)

1.  KALIPHOS (Kali Phosphoricum; Potassium Phosphate)
a. mental/emotional symptoms predominate
b. Feel as if “I’m too tired to rest.”
c. Anxiety, brain fatigue, irritability, temper-tantrums, sleeplessness, dizziness,
nervous asthma
d. easily bleeding gums

2.  KALI MUR (Kali Muriaticum; Potassium Chloride)
a. white mucus, swollen glands
b. white or gray coated tongue, glandular swellings, discharge of white, thick
mucus from nose or eyes
c. indigestion from rich food

3.  KALI SULPH (Kali Sulphuricum; Potassium Sulphate)
a. yellow mucus, later stages of illness, congestion and cough worse in evening
b. dandruff, yellow coated tongue, yellow crusts on eyelids
c. gas, poor digestion

4.  CALC PHOS (Calcarea Phosphorica; Calcium Phosphate)
a. teething remedy
b. upset stomach, post-nasal drip, chronic cold feet, poor dentition

5.  CALC SULPH (Calcarea Sulphurica; Calcium Sulphate)
a. sores that heal poorly, herpes blisters
b. pain in forehead, vertigo, pimples on the face

6.  CALC FLUOR (Calcarea Fluorica; Calcium Fluoride)
a. poor tooth enamel, cracks in palms of hands, lips
b. hemorrhoids

7.  NAT MUR (Natrum Muriate; Sodium Chloride)
a. dryness of body openings, clear thin mucus
b. effects of excess overheating; itching of hair at nape of neck
c. early stage of common colds with clear, running discharge
d. insect bites (applied locally)

8.  NAT SULPH (Natrum Sulphuricum; Sodium Sulphate)
a. rarely needed
b. green stools and other excess bile symptoms
c. Sensitive scalp, greenish-gray or greenish-brown coating on tongue, influenza

9.  NAT PHOS (Natrum Phosphoricum; Sodium Phosphate)
a. simple morning sickness; acid rising in throat
b. Headache on crown of head, eyelids glued together in morning,
c. grinding of teeth in sleep; pain and sour risings from stomach after eating

10. MAG PHOS (Magnesia Phosphorica; Magnesium Phosphate)
a. Muscle spasms, cramps and menstrual cramps, if always better with heat
b. hiccups; trembling of hands
c. teeth sensitive to cold

11. FERRUM PHOS ( Ferrum Phosphate; Ferrum Phosphate)
a. first stages of inflammation, redness, swelling, early fever
b. congestive headache, ear ache, sore throat
c. loss of voice from overuse

12. SILICEA (Silica)
a. white pus forming conditions, boils (“homeopathic lancet”), stony-hard glands
b. Sty in eye area, tonsillitis, brittle nails