Balancing the Doshas for Winter

Ayurvedic Science states the every living thing is composed of 5 fundamental elements, earth, water, air, fire, and space.  They come in unique proportions within each individual which determine features including skin type, personality, mental tendencies, and physical stature. These element combinations give rise to 3 principal forces called doshas and include: Vata, Pitta, Kapha.


The doshas are not physical by any Western understanding. They are patterns of intelligence that exist in the gap between mind and matter. The properties of the elements are what one might guess. Space for example is open. Air is light, cool, and moving. Fire is hot, mobile, and quick. Water is soft, moist, and fluid. Earth is soft, damp, and cold. The meaning of the word dosha means impurity, because our being no longer pure consciousness in our biological state but a dilution of it.

Vata: The essence of Vata is prana, the life pulse, and moving force (movement). Air and space combined to form the force of Vata which is responsible for all movement in the body and it governs mainly all nervous functions. There are 80 kinds of possible disturbances due to Vata. Pain, stiffness, paralysis, hypertension, heart disease – all these are caused by Vata.

Pitta: The essence of Pitta is tejas, the transformative radiant energy (metabolism). Pitta Fire and water combine to form the force of Pitta. Pitta governs mainly enzymes and hormones. Pitta is also responsible for digestion, pigmentation, body temperature, hunger, thirst, sight, courage etc. There are 40 kinds of possible disturbances due to Pitta. Burning sensations, excessive body temperature, blue moles, jaundice, and pharyngitis are examples of disorders caused by Pitta.

Kappa: The essence of Kapha is ojas, the cohesive force. Water and earth combine to form the force of Kapha(structure). Kapha regulates the other two. Kapha is responsible for the connections of joints, the solid nature of the body and its sustenance, sexual power, strength, patience etc. Among the 20 possible disturbances due to Kapha are anorexia nervosa, laziness, mucus expectoration, hardening of vessels, obesity, suppression of digestive power, etc.

In Ayurveda, we not only recognize these forces but we also learn to harness them and develop an optimum wellness lifestyle program that balances the three doshas. In the Vedic system Ayurvedic physicians are trained in the subtle detection of a person's dominant doshas through pulse diagnosis which includes examination of fingernails, tongue, lips, eyes, face, among other attributes. Take the Dosha quiz to find out your mind-body state and explore tools to help get back in balance. 

Balancing the Doshas for Winter

 When doshas are in balance the individual is disease free and when in imbalance – disease begins to grow. In winter months for example, it is easy to experience this elemental imbalance due to many parts of the world being cold with less daylight. Don't you have those days where you want to stay wrapped in warm blankets, sipping on hot tea watching a movie or reading versus taking a chilling hike while sipping on an iced drink. During this time it is helpful to find balance, and steer clear of disease by warming Vata.

Warming Vata: The Vata dosha is the essence of prana, life-force, and movement. Due to the cold, chilling air and dark days during the winter months, it is common to become stiff and expense more pain due to less movement and exercise. Even worse there are around 80 other disturbances due to an imbalance of vata to include nervous disfunction, and heart disease. Here are some ways to warm and balance your Vata during these cold months:

  • A daily yoga practice is an instant ticket to more vitality and radiance through the colder months. It's funny to think so many that haven't tried yoga have a misconception of it being "too easy" or not enough "cardio". In contrast there are a vast number of yoga disciplines that are beyond challenging while offering cardio, core, and flexibility. Ashtanga is my favorite rigorous, mobilizing type of yoga flowing from pose to pose and eventually levitating (for some). 
  • A mantra practice, like yoga really works the breath, stimulating prana, or that core life force. Manra's also contain seed syllables which are powerful creation vibrations w/ manifesting possibility.  "Shreem Brzee" is an easy one to get going. Try chanting it 108 times a day and while balancing your Vata for building up heat and energy in your core you might just get surprised by random abundance form the universe. I used to chant along to videos to keep count until I discovered mala beads to keep track. There are also mantra apps available as well. 
  • Sip on a hot beverage that includes a warming spice such as ginger, black pepper, or cinnamon. (My current favorite is the Portland based restaurant, Bollywood Theater's house made masala chai which has just been made available to purchase retail to enjoy at home. It's the closest, traditional tasting Indian chai I have found and it is beautiful, botanical, and spicy! The photo below shows the smaller unit for $10 but I just upgraded to the $45 unit because I am so obsessed!
  • Include a self care ritual like an Abhyanga practice which is massage of Ayurveda where warm oils are selected to bring balance, feeding the skin and the body nutrition in the form of quality, vital-giving oils. I enjoy a cassis and vetiver essential oil blend diluted in coconut oil massaged into my shoulders and limbs. This practice really gets the juices flowing while managing those occasional aches and pains due to seasonal discomfort. Shop essential oils at or contact me for a free essential oil consultation to gain a better understanding of what oils may be good to try based on your lifestyle.

  • Elegant Savage also offers an invigorating botanical skin care product to really warm your soul called the Mystic Mud Mask. It is supercharged with warming Lemongrass Essential Oil and the grounding Sandalwood oil w/ turmeric to make you glow and is currently 20% off.
